Category: Uncategorized
A nice short article on the federal debt.
A nice short article on the federal debt.
It doesn’t look good.
Some crazy environmentalist’s predictions from years past.
Some crazy environmentalist’s predictions from years past.
Is global warming the next one?
Ron Paul Liberty Report: Kurds vs. Turks
Kirkpatrick Sale says we have lost our citizenship.
Kirkpatrick Sale says we have lost our citizenship.
And, concomitantly, control of our ‘representatives’. The solution: dissolve the federal government and return power to the states.
ESPN to layoff more workers.
The implosion of traditional cable continues and it’s a wonderful thing for freedom.
Chances of riots increase in LA.
Chances of riots increase in LA.
According to local residents.
Nuke drills in NJ.
The State does its best to whip up fear and hysteria in order to consolidate the people behind the regime.
Freedom caucus supports revised Obamacare repeal bill.
Freedom caucus supports revised Obamacare repeal bill.
It seems things are starting to come together for the Republicans.
Trump’s proposed tax plan.
It actually looks like a pretty good start.