Category: Uncategorized
Ron Paul Liberty Report: New Syria Sanctions
The US kills thousands of civilians a month.
The US kills thousands of civilians a month.
And lies about it.
Millennials suffer neuroses at twice the rate of their parents.
Millennials suffer neuroses at twice the rate of their parents.
The article chalks it up to social media and cell phones but they’re wrong. It’s a result of replacing getting married and starting a family as the proper steps in life and replacing them with the college lifestyle in perpetuity.
Rand Paul on tax cuts.
The elite call for 15 trillion to fight global warming.
The elite call for 15 trillion to fight global warming.
They claim this is necessary to stop the apocalyptic outcome of a 2 degree increase in temperatures.
Courts block another Trump executive order.
Courts block another Trump executive order.
Another pretty hefty power grab by a leftist judge. It does’t bother me as it’s always nice to see the emperor get his wings clipped.
David Stockman makes ironclad case
David Stockman makes ironclad case against the N Korea hysteria.
The US hacked Russia and Iran.
The US hacked Russia and Iran.
It’s the cities vs. the countryside.
It’s the cities vs. the countryside.
The article isn’t all that great but the idea is spot on. Understanding this is critical going forward in eliminating the nation-state and replacing it with city-states and neo-medieval countrysides.