Ron Paul Liberty Report: Syria Gas attack…Assad or false flag?
Category: Uncategorized
China replaces overpass in 43 hours.
China replaces overpass in 43 hours.
The US once did stuff like this.
The Empire is hollowed out.
What does N Korea have to do with us?
What does N Korea have to do with us?
Article by Pat Buchanan.
Trump calls Syria attack “an affront to humanity”.
Trump calls Syria attack “an affront to humanity”.
He just ordered an attack in Yemen that killed children, including a baby. He’s already been dropping bombs. When the US kills innocent people it’s ok but when other countries do it it’s an affront to humanity. All killing of innocents is an affront to humanity.
EU wants to crack down on Hungary.
EU wants to crack down on Hungary.
For “cracking down” on NGOs meddling in their politics. Looks like the NGOs and Universities have friends in high places.
Muslim births to outpace Christian births worldwide.
Muslim births to outpace Christian births worldwide.
Christianity is literally dying in Europe. Will the US be next?
Germany to outlaw hate speech and fake news.
Germany to outlaw hate speech and fake news.
This is what’s really going on with the whole fake news thing, they want to censor and control the internet.
Gas attack in Syria.
Tragically kills around 70 people including children. The war in Syria was finally winding down and now this? What would Assad gain by doing this? He had everything to lose. This reeks of foul play; a move orchestrated to reignite the cold war and the war in Syria seems much more likely.
Bannon gets the boot.
Establishment praises move as presidential.