In Defense of Washington

Washington is the greatest American who has ever lived. He was a legend in his own day and thousands of years from now he will still be honored for his great virtue.

He is known as the American Cincinnatus, an ancient Roman who when Rome was threatened was implored to drop the plow and become dictator. After saving Rome, he relinquished power and returned to his farm. Washington imitated this superb example and to this day we take for granted that the civilian arm is superior to the military arm. Generals don’t just overthrow our elected government as they have throughout history across the globe.

The English Civil war ended in the dictatorship of Oliver Cromwell. The French Revolution with the crowning of Napoleon as Emperor – who would later write that he couldn’t be George Washington. Both started as republics that barely made it a few years. It was accepted at that time that republican government was utopian and that people could not be ruled by reflection and choice but only accident and force.

Throughout the war the British repeatedly tried to negotiate with him directly and he always deferred to congress. After the war he arrived in congress, surrendered his sword, resigned his commission and returned to his farm.  After two terms as President he resigned his office. Upon hearing this George III exclaimed that he truly was the greatest man in the world.

He was a vestryman, a delegate to the House of Burgesses, a member of Congress, commanding officer of the armed forces, president of the constitutional convention, twice elected unanimously in the electoral college, and never once asked for anyone to vote for him

A virtual prince in is own day; he was born into a slave owning family and inherited a massive 3000-acre plantation and 300 slaves. Upon his death he made provision in his will to free all of his slaves and gave them each land of their own.

Washington is an American hero who deserves our gratitude for the legacy he has handed on to us. It is truly a shame that he is being spit upon by mobs that could never dream to aspire to his greatness.