Judge Napolitano with a fresh take on the recent Trump scandals.
Trumps national security team “caught”
Trumps national security team “caught” talking to Russian ambassadors.
Forget that this is standard procedure, it’s the Russians so it must be treason.
US bombs Syria.
Repubs on FCC to repeal Obama net neutrality regulations.
Repubs on FCC to repeal Obama net neutrality regulations.
Nice work. They’re up against a chorus of liberals who say the internet must be regulated for the common good. The internet is working just fine, and the last thing we need is the State wrapping its tentacles around another bastion of American freedom.
House may have to revote on Obamacare repeal.
House may have to revote on Obamacare repeal.
House Repubs are really knocking it out of the park
Today’s market via zerohedge.
It seems the auto bubble may be rolling over.
Ron Paul Liberty Report: The Giuliani Moment
Dennis Kucinich calls out the hysterical left.
American Vendee
A very good article.