Trump to draw the US into Syria?
Let’s hope he remembers what he said.
Trump to draw the US into Syria?
Let’s hope he remembers what he said.
Brilliant article about healthcare.
Obamacare forces people to buy insurance they don’t want or need in order to subsidize the heavy users of healthcare.
get your kids out of public schools if you want them to remain Christian.
Rand says Trump is trying to ram through TrumpCare.
He adds that he wants to “work with what they have” and “make very small tweaks”. He should be an honest broker and oppose Trump if he tries to push the same pig with lipstick.
The moral and logical thing to do.
The 2016 election was fair and democratic.
The Russians didn’t brainwash voters to bring about a Trump victory.
Marriage and families way down for millennials.
The left has succeeded in destroying the traditional western values of getting married and starting a family and replaced it with attending State run universities and partying until you’re in your thirties. This is a dangerous trend for western civilization.
Why not risk human civilization over a couple of rocks in the ocean? The immorality of modern politics is sickening.
Illegal immigration down 67 percent.
Open borders are not conservatarian.